martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

The Kite Runner - Chapter 12

  1. In what way does Soraya’s story about her illiterate friend differ form Amir’s?
  2. What period is described as a time of many ‘firsts’?
  3. What was Baba’s final resolution about his diagnosis?
  4. Why was Amir envious of Soraya?

A1: Soraya's story about her illiterate friend differ with Amir's story, because she helped her friend to learn how to write and read. Meanwhile Amir bother Hassan, teaching him words with another the wrong meaning, while he laugh because of his innocense and ignorance.

A2: The period Amir described as a time of many firsts, is the time when he saw a lot of things that he has never seen have during his life. For example, to saw Baba sick and coughing blood.

A3: Baba's final resolution about his diagnosis is a lung cancer. He don't want to take treatments and remedies to make his disease better or at least dalay it.

A4: Amir was envious of Soraya, because she was brave enough to tell him her secrets, while he even cannot tell her his story with Hassan.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Opinion about Cloning

Nowadays with the technology growing as fast as the human being can conceive, cloning can be closer than we think.
During the past years, we already clone animals. As an example there is Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be clone. But can be possible to clone a human, to clone us? 
This maybe could not be only a science-fiction thing, that we see in the movies, this could be in the future something real for us, something normal.
But is this ethical? In my opinion is not.
To clone a human, you also have to duplicate his memories, his feelings, not only his body. If we forget to duplicate this, we would have an empty piece of bones and flesh, an useless body.
Anyway if we achieve cloning our feelings, that means that in that momento we achieve to create life, a whole human with all his perfections and imperfections.

Thats not playing to be God? To an atheist, this maybe is not an argument against cloning. In that case, I ask: What will happen when you clone yourself, what will you win? What he should do in his life, replace you?

Anyway, if I were a doctor, and its necesary to clone someone what kind of people I would clone? I would clone people inspiring, who can motivate others to be better, and do great things. 
Where I would conduct this? Everywhere, the kind of people that I would clone can be living in any country, and part pf the world.
But what is more important, clone the first human, or clone a healthy child? The answer is clear: I would clone someone healthy, that can live his live well. What's the price if I clone the first human, and he can't live in a normal way.
Also if I clone someone, I would let the people know about my experiments, so they can give me their opinion about it, because cloning if someone that involves all of us.

IVF Treatment Dialogue

Goffard: Hello friend, how are you?

Pertuzé: Very good, and you?

Goffard: Fine, thanks, I heard that you want to have a new baby with your wife.

Pertuzé: Oh, yeah,  I just  leave the clinic, me and my wife are planig to have a daughter, perming the IVF treatment

Goffard: Oh men, but that is totally immoral, I am against it.

Pertuzé: I think is totally right to do this. Don’t stay in the past, move on be modern.
With a little girl in our family, we will get a perfect family balancing. If we get a daughter it will be a new experience for us.

Goffard: I respect that. Anyway I think it is inappropriate to manipulate the treatment to select the sex of their child, also known as family balancing because it is something un-natural and something in what humans do not have the rights to decide. Also, the way the fertilisation is than is disgusting as they produce more than one zygote and they “select the better one” just for convenience or favouritism, something elitist.

Pertuzé:  That what you think bro, you are not the one who have problems having childrens.
After all is my decision, with my wife. I respect your point of view, but this my business.
In the end we will love this children, no matter how is born.
Is our dream to be parents, don’t steal that from us.

Goffard: I suppose that’s why this topic it’s so controversial, we can talk about this all the day.
Well, I have to go! As always it was a pleasure to see you

Pertuzé: Hahaha, you are right.
We can met again some other day, you know… we can have fun, talk about the life, this stuff

Goffard: Yeah! See you later

Pertuzé: Bye!