domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

The Kite Runner / Creative Writing / CORRECTION

"The Kite Runner"a novel by Khaled Hosseini, tells the story of two children: Amir and Hassan.
They get separated by the destiny, when the soviet invasion hit Afganistan. Years later Amir will come back to the country where he was born, to rectify all what he did wrong, and safe Hassan's son, Sohrab.

My work will be linked to the book, because I will tell what Rahim Khan, a friend of Baba and Amir, lived during the soviet invasion and the taliban government in Afganistan. I will do this because the book doesn't tell anything about this period of history. The book narrates after all this happened.

In this case, my goal is to tell the experience of Rahim Khan during the war in Afganistan, and how were his feelings during conflict.

For this I will use the text type of a diary, to narrate the events in a first person perspective. Also, it will write in a semi-formal language.

Today is Christmas. The last week I bought a present for Amir jan. It´s a story book for children.
The stories of the book have a very simple vocabulary, and it´s not really an interesting tale as the books he likes to read. But the importance of the book is not what it is, it's the message it leaves.
I know that he might not like it, but he has to understand that Hassan is not different to him. Baba told me that he is not with them now. That´s bad. I hope the book helps.
If only he knew the truth...


Neither the book nor Allah can help us now.
The "reds" invaded us, showing up no mercy, not even on Christmas night. They advanced in Kabul with tanks, and a great army, shooting everyone who was fighting with them, killing everyone who was afraid of them.
I couldn't be able to give Amir his present. He is leaving the country by now. There's no future in Afganistan for him now. Maybe America is better. Hope I can meet them there as soon as possible.


I can't leave Afganistan, at least by now.
The Russian army is killing everyone in the frontier with Pakistan, after the massive emigration of the first day of the invasion.
I have been in my house since Baba and Amir left Kabul. Fortunately, I have supplies to survive some weeks. 

All the supplies I had are gone. Despite I have been getting more supplies by exchanging goods at the black market, this time I got nothing. 
Dealers don't want money. Nowadays, in our situation, money is just a worthless piece of paper. They want bullets. Fortunately, a had plenty of them. 
Before all this mess, I liked going to the forest, away from the sound of the city. I liked to hunt. The only thing I used to hear there, were my shots. Now I hear shots everyday in the streets.
Today all the forest are gone, thanks to the Soviets. And what is more important, I'm running out of bullets.
Maybe it is time to go out. 


Some people died fighting the invaders. There are people that lost all their hope, and just committed suicide. 
I prefer to be optimistic.
Yesterday I spent some time taking care of Baba's house. With the Taliban in control of the country, I believe that everything will be like it was before.
Last week I went to a Hazara village to find Hassan. I spent a long time looking for him.
The family must be all together when Baba and Amir jan come back.
Hassan has grown up. He told me the reason of his departure from Baba's house. I knew Amir was bad. That book I bought were supposed to help him. But now the book can help Hassan. With it he can learn to read and write. 
After all, what happened he is still loyal to Amir. He will take care of the house with his son, Sohrab.


The Taliban are not better than the Russians.
The last day, they get in the house, and beat me until I was unconscious
When I woke up Hassan and his wife were dead. They also kidnapped Sohrab.
It was foolish to be optimistic. I must go to Pakistan. I feel sick, after they beat me. 
I can’t rescue Sohrab, but I now who can do it.

He has to know that there’s a way to be good again.
He has to know too many things.
Hope the letter Hassan wrote to him can help.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


  1. When and why were reservations founded?
  2. How different are they from national US land?
  3. Why do so many Native Americans live outside the reservations?
  4. Do reservations help preserve tradition and culture?

A1: The reservations where found in 1887, until they get stronger in 1934 with the Indian New Deal. They were founded because USA people wanted to move the tribes from their land, because it bother their European Culture Expansion
A2: Indian reservations are lands that belong to the Native American Tribes. This lands are part of USA, but are just located in there thanks to a legal designation. In here Native Tribes are free to live, in a territory that is indepedent from the USA Constitution.
A3: Many Native Americans live outside the reservations, because this lands belong only to specific tribes, that may cannot be their culture. Also some of them prefer to live in USA, to live better and leave poverty.
A4: Yes they do, because in there they can still live people from the differents Native Cultures. This can prevent the extinction of culture, for example the language.