jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 1-3 Answers

1) Holden doesn't chage when he visit Mr. Spencer, he was faking all the time, without giving his real opinion, that was the opposite of Mr.Spercer
2) When Dr.Thurmer said that "Life is a game that one plays according to the rules" Holden agree with him, but in his own mind he think the opposite
4) Holden leave Elkton Hilss because it was full of phonys, specially the headmaster
5) When holden says that he is "quite young for his age", and that he was a "real moron"; its means that he was immature for his age, and that he like to horsing around like a kid. He realized this but he dont try to be mature, because that was the way that he was
6) Holden characterize himselves like a liar cause he lie to every people, almost he lie to Mr.Spncer, saying that he left some stuff in the gym so he had to go
7) Is ironic of Holden's statement that he flunk 4 subjects of 5 in Pencey, but he like to read
8) Holden thinks that Ackely is annoying, so his attitude with him is unfriendly
9) Stradlater is a characterized like a conceited, but generous person, with the same height of Holden but with about twice of weighed
10) Felling sorry for something insn't the same as caring because for fell sorry for something, in first place you must to care for it
11) The phonys were all the people that do things according to the rules, people that do things to look friendly to other people, false people. Holden claims is my opinion are valid, cause the people that he denominate "phony" are false people, like Stradlater that look friendly to Holden so he can do his work for him. Holden insn't phony because he shows to other people like he really is

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