domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


  1. When and why were reservations founded?
  2. How different are they from national US land?
  3. Why do so many Native Americans live outside the reservations?
  4. Do reservations help preserve tradition and culture?

A1: The reservations where found in 1887, until they get stronger in 1934 with the Indian New Deal. They were founded because USA people wanted to move the tribes from their land, because it bother their European Culture Expansion
A2: Indian reservations are lands that belong to the Native American Tribes. This lands are part of USA, but are just located in there thanks to a legal designation. In here Native Tribes are free to live, in a territory that is indepedent from the USA Constitution.
A3: Many Native Americans live outside the reservations, because this lands belong only to specific tribes, that may cannot be their culture. Also some of them prefer to live in USA, to live better and leave poverty.
A4: Yes they do, because in there they can still live people from the differents Native Cultures. This can prevent the extinction of culture, for example the language.

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