jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Bloody Sunday prosecution charges 'unlikely' -Summary-

Stephen Pollard, a lawyer that represent the British Army, that are accused of kill 13 civilians, said that the findings on the report did no open the door for prosecutions
The report took 12 years to be complete, and have 5.000 pages based on the evidence from witness, written statements and written evidence
Lord Saville the judge that did the report, was accused by Mr.Pollard, of 'cherry pick' the information, and make a repor that can open this door to end the case and to do the prosection
But is not the only controversial thing because the report concluded that the soldiers said nothing after open fire against the civlians.
The Public Prosecutions Service, said that they will think if they will prosecute someone or not. They will use he report to know and think more the nature of the case, that make a history day on Northern Ireland
This became the more expensive search of all British Legal History

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