miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Global Warming Essay

The Global Warming, is described by the scientists as an unusual climate change that affects the Earth, is defined like the most significant environmental problem of now days, but is that true? Most people think that to get out, they have realized that is a "global problem", thinking that the only part of the world that is damaged, are the poles, but they are not conscious of all that this problem encomposses. This problem really affects all the world, not only a part of it, affects all the ecosystem, and it can reach a level where it can kill animals, and the land were we live

In first place is good to remember, that Global Warming is described by scientist as an climate change, because it ´deeply affects the way water travels though out atmosphere`, greenretreat.org state. This new way of the water travel could cause a heat that produce several droughts, This situation could affect our forest, crops, and water reserves, something that directly influence animals, and human being, who could die for dehydration and starvation.

Secondly, as an example of what Global Warming could produce, in Latin America where the conscuences of this ca turn tropical forests on ssavannahs. What is more, this can generate the extinction of several species of animals. Also would change our agriculture and energy generation.

Even though, the fact is that the rises of temperature on Earth has encresed only 1ºC in the last 30 years ` which may not seem like much to most people´, (climate.nasa.gob). But this rise of temperature is not actually innocent, because produces catostrophes all over the world, generating the melting of ince in the poles, and also all the points I mentioned before. And if only 1ºC produces that, what is next?

All in all, I really think that Global Warming is the most significant environmental problem we are facing today, because it may can change the way we live, and also can end all way of life in the Earth. It`s our responsability to keep our world clean and save, otherwise we will face environmental problems in all our ecosystem and societies. But also it is essential to act now, not the day when these disasters that can happen, take place. After all ´do not do tomorrow what you can do today´


`Global Warming and How it Affects Us` (n.d) Retrived September 3rd, 2014
from http://www.greenretreat.org/global-warming-and-how-it-affects-us/

`The Current and Future Consequences of Global Change`
(N.D) Retrived September 3rd, 2014 from http://climate.nasa.gob/effects/

`Global Warming` (n.d) Retrived September 3rd, 2014
from http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/

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