jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Bloody Sunday Report (Vocabulary+Answers)

-Prosecute: To do a criminal action against a person
-Prospect: A probability or chance for the future success
-Flee: To run away from somewhere or to move quickly
-Cherry Picking: To choose or take the best profitable of something, that is convenient for someone
-Set in train: Is to begin an activity, or something else
-Devolution: The act or result of devolving
-Aftermath: Something that happend after a disaster, is like a consequence

II)Answers of the text:

1) What is David Cameron’s opinion about Bloody Sunday?
A1: The opinion of David Cameronn about Bloody Sunday was that it was unjustified
2.- Why do you think this case has been so controversial for so long?
A2: I think that this case has been so controversial for so long because it was a massacre, that became history in Northern Ireland. Also the people want to know what happend that day, something that in our days, no one know
3.- Why has it taken so long to decide whether or not to prosecute the soldiers?
A3: It taken so long to decide whether or not to prosecute the soldiers, because they dont have enought evidence to do it. Also is hard to have evidence after 38 years of this accident

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