jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Gladiator -Emperor of Rome Commodus-

After the famous scene of the movie Gladiator had been going on, Commodus see Maximus going out the arena, with a imprudence actitude.
Instead of kill him or something else, the Emperor of Rome let him live another day, but not without felling insulted of what just happend, because he was humiliated by a ordinary gladiator, a simple slave. At this point of the movie, the Emperor of Rome take his way to see one of his advisers, to talk about what just happened and what to do next. This is a extract from the movie climax

Dragging his cape and his ego on the ground, Commodus travel the corridors of the Coliseum on his way to go out of it. When he was at the streets of Rome, he knew what to do next, go to the house of his adviser, to tell him what just happened.
COMMUDUS: How this can happened? They told me that he was dead! And I let him alive...it is a mistake to kill him with all that crowd that love him, what can happened if the Emperor kill an innocent in front of his eyes with no reason?! But we have to do something, if I give him time, he probably kill him or something worse
ADVISER: Is a mistake to kill him in that way, because is a dishonorable attitude
He make a pause, like he was thinking in something and then he say
ADVISER: But there is one way...what if you ask him for a duel? You can say that you want to fight with the best gladiator of all Rome because is a honor to do it. There you can kill him, is simple
COMMUDUS: But how, he will kill ME
ADVISER: You are the Emperor, you can have some benefit...a silent stab at his back and...
COMMUDUS: And i will kill him easily in the arena, brilliant
After that scene, the plan began, and a final battle started in the arena of the Coliseum, with our hero, the Gladiator Maximus, with the Emperor of Rome Commudus

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